Technology on the road

Aug 15, 2023

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Roadway fatalities remained flat in 2022 after two years of dramatic increases, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. While U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said there remains a national crisis of traffic deaths, the trucking industry is showing signs of improvement in safety.

Overall risky driving behavior among fleets using the Lytx platform decreased in 2022, even as miles driven increased, resulting in a significant drop in collisions per mile traveled in 2022 compared to 2019. That’s according to the video safety and telematics provider’s annual State of the Data report that offers insight into risky commercial driving across the country and safety trends for fleets.

The data, derived from the Lytx Driver Safety Program and the Lytx Vision Platform that includes over 221 billion miles of driving data, shows that in 2022 overall risky driving improved by 29% and collisions per 1 million miles driven decreased 23.1% compared to 2019 – the year prior to COVID-19, which resulted in unprecedented changes in driving behaviors.

David Riordan, Lytx’s executive vice president and general manager, Enterprise, said the driving environment has changed, and this data can help fleets understand their performance within the new environment and how to improve. click here to read full article