captive insurance

Nov 18, 2022

Almost six years ago, Washington, D.C.’s metro system renovation received substantial bad press as the district struggled to meet construction deadlines and faced crippling outages and transportation shutdowns. Finger-pointing ensued from all angles. One of the least obvious complaints may have been at the heart of the matter: failure to implement an effective fleet management telematics system.

Of course, not all construction, rigging, transportation or towing companies are as sprawling or complicated as the infrastructure of the U.S. capital city; however, similar problems can erupt in these niche markets when these systems are not integrated. Much research has been done on the merits of implementing telematics fleet management, but less on the perils of foregoing it. What are the risks of not taking this seriously? Vehicle theft, lack of driver accountability, harmful driving habits, vehicle damage, decrease in productivity and competitiveness, failure to meet delivery deadlines and skyrocketing insurance claims.

eMaxx, a national leader in commercial insurance and risk management for many specialty sectors, including construction, rigging, transportation and towing, knows firsthand the importance of telematics management. eMaxx has built its reputation on providing the highest quality, state-of-the-art digital programs and software platforms that guarantee its clients a seamless, safe, easy-to-use cost-effective experience. As a result, clients are saving lives, improving driver behavior, safeguarding vehicles, improving productivity and keeping claims costs down.

In general, telematics management uses a car or truck’s GPS tracker and dashcam to send, receive and store data. Because the device is connected to an onboard port, it can communicate (via cellular network, satellite, mobile or radio service) with a company’s central server. Almost instantly, the server can analyze the data. Experts on the other end can view results through a mobile app and respond in real time. What type of data is collected? Most times, this covers information such as location, usage, maintenance problems, fuel usage, idle time, driver behavior (including braking or turning) and speeding. Additionally, fleet telematics management can assess harsh weather conditions. Moreover, these programs can create reports on drivers and note patterns over time, individually or for the entire driver corps.

The fleet management telematics solutions offered by eMaxx are unparalleled in the industry. By combining analytics from its trademarked Telematics Exchange with the interactive training of eLive Connect, an online learning platform, clients can take proactive steps to institute ongoing driver education courses and workshops, such as eMaxx’s highly acclaimed eLive Connect program. They also change driver behavior over time. Ultimately, these positive modifications reduce insurance premium costs.

Gone are the days when telematics simply meant tracking a driver. So much more is at stake, and so much more is possible by maximizing insurance with the best in technology and risk management. Contact eMaxx to learn how to get started.