Highway in dark

Apr 5, 2022

Most well-run companies agree that sound strategic planning always supports the organization’s vision and mission. This planning considers governance, performance measurement and internal control. However, no strategy is foolproof. Even the best of strategic plans can go awry, and that’s when unexpected events cause havoc and affect short-term objectives or, in some cases, an overall mission.

For these reasons, most successful mid-sized and large companies use some type of risk management technology. This overarching framework and innovation are critical for an organization’s success, according to ISACA Journal (published by the professional organization of IT governance professionals). Companies that fail to build this into their mission lack the strong foundation for dealing with unexpected loss, disaster, accidents and legal claims. It’s one of the most important features of a smart strategic business plan.

Clearly, risk management technology must be built into the fiber of a company. But executives need to find professionals who understand both ends of the spectrum. That’s where eMaxx comes into play. This highly respected team of professionals insures clients nationwide in the complex industries of energy, transportation, towing, recycling, utilities, construction, crane and rigging, and more. The group leads the industry in value and service. But the team doesn’t just offer commercial insurance. It maximizes coverage through technology and risk management, offering 21st century innovation that exceeds expectations.

Technology risk by definition is a threat to IT that ultimately interferes with or destroys business operations. From software viruses to power outages, driver dashboard malfunction or larger cybersecurity issues, these are real and present dangers. eMaxx understands the complexities of these potential problems and has developed tech platforms that take into consideration the fragmented commercial telematics market, defense of commercial auto liability claims, the current driver shortage and the ability of interactive software to change driver behavior over time in the towing and transportation industries.

Companies that want to revamp their loss prevention strategies and build technology risk assessment into their corporate vision can count on eMaxx for pinpointed products and services to get the job done. For example, the activity tracker and claims management system offer clients a comprehensive database that tracks audits, warranty activity, phone calls, onsite visits, hours of work, billable hours and additional safety needs. It also provides an online platform that puts companies in control with the ability to review specific claims (including adjuster notes). These proactive strategies all relate back to the concept of putting control in the hands of the client as a true partner.

Risk management technology ought to be part of the foundation of your company’s strategic planning. Let eMaxx help you build these critical components into your corporate vision. Call today.