Jun 7, 2013

Attendees were given the opportunity to network and explore

new industry ideas, concepts and products

PEABODY, MA – (May 25, 2013) – Energi successfully hosted the 2013 Risk Management & Insurance Summit.  For the second consecutive year, the Summit involved the networking of policyholders, brokers and strategic partners in the same event which is rare for the industry. Over 400 participants representing 38 states and 4 countries attended the Summit which took place at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida.

The theme of the Summit was the Passport to Knowledge an integrative series of educational safety and insurance seminars that encourage members of the Energi network to fully engage and build upon their knowledge of risk management techniques and best practices.

The Summit attracted 25 sponsors and vendors; 42 external speakers and presenters from various sectors of the energy and insurance industries. This year Energi also featured a Vendor Showcase which debuted partners of Energi to demonstrate their products and services.

The program opened with the Future of the American Energy Policy discussion featuring Marie Sanderson, Policy Director for the Republican Governors Association (RGA) who spoke about the RGA Public Policy Committee’s comprehensive energy strategy and the relevance that this has to members of the Energi network. Sanderson was also joined by Brian K. McCarthy, CEO of Energi and James Townsend, CEO of Townsend Energy and Chairman of the Energi Inc. Board of Directors, who delivered the opening remarks.

Energi hosted three General Session presentations on topics relevant to the energy and insurance markets. This included Disaster Relief Risk Management, Federalization of Insurance vs. State Rights, and Implementing Best Practices in the American Oil Revolution that featured utility and insurance commissioners including Commissioner Wayne Goodwin from North Carolina and Commissioner Joesph Fiordaliso from New Jersey along with Energi policyholders and strategic partners from Aon Benfield and the American Petroleum Institute (API). In conjunction to the general sessions, Energi featured 29 educational breakout sessions with themes on Alternative Energy Solutions, Claims Management, Industry Best Practices, Insurance Industry Knowledge and Risk Management.

On Friday, May 24th, Dr. Nido Qubein captivated the audience with his Stairway to Success keynote address and was able to impart a message about his own experiences and how this resonates in the everyday practices of Energi policyholders, brokers and strategic partners.

The Summit concluded with an Award Ceremony recognizing the “Best of the Best” brokers and policyholders. This was the second year that Energi recognized members of the Energi Network. The 2013 Excellence in Risk Management Awards were awarded to the top tier policyholders who display tremendous commitment to loss prevention and safety programs. Energi also recognized the top producers that have made significant contributions to Energi programs with the 2013 Top Producers Awards and FuelCell Energy of CT was awarded with the 2013 Energy Innovation Award for their creativity and adeptness in advancing the energy market. At the start of the evening, the founding shareholders of the Company gathered on the stage and were recognized by Brian McCarthy as the participating founding members of the Company.  In addition, Chuck Holden of Holden Oil in Peabody, MA, was recognized as the First Shareholder of Energi.

For more information on the 2013 Risk Management & Insurance Summit, please contact the Summit Coordinating Team summit2013@emaxxgroup.com and or visit the website at https://www.emaxxgroup.com/summit2013. If you are interested in viewing presentations and photos from the event, please visit the Summit App at www.emaxxgroup.com/passport.

Attendee Testimonials

“The Energi Team consistently brings the right amount of business and pleasure to its three day Risk Management and Insurance Summit, whether for the first timer or veteran, or for client or broker.  The multiple track sessions give attendees the ability to customize their experience by focusing on what’s relevant to them and their needs.   With direct access to the Energi staff throughout the Summit, clients and brokers are able to further their strategic relationships.” Nick Blaine – Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo Insurance Services, Inc.

“Having the opportunity to meet all of the service providers participating in the Energi Program was of particular value to me.  We have found that the services being provided to Energi can translate to our other customers.  This year I was introduced to a law firm providing crucial defense services on serious auto claims.  Through this introduction I was then able to make their services available to other York customers that could benefit from their expertise.” Robert Rush – Senior National Account Manager, York Alternative Risk Solutions